This is going to be the first in a series of articles reviewing some of my favorite exercises that are fantastic at warming up the body and getting you to burn fat fast. These are to exercise is that I regularly use with my weight loss and personal training clients. Now of course always remember before you start any exercise program to consult your medical doctor or chiropractor to make sure that these exercises are safe for you to perform. If you suffer from low back disc herniations or sciatica nerve pain I would definitely not exercises until your medical and health practitioners have given you the ok.

Okay let's get started now! For the first exercise I'm going to recommend using an elliptical machine or cross-trainer. Stand upright on the machine and pedal forward with your legs to push the footpads while simultaneously pushing and pulling the handles of the machine with your arms. Doing anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes on an elliptical machine is a great way to get the muscles and joints of the body warmed up and to get the blood flowing as well.

The second exercise that I'm going to recommend is jogging in place. Now this exercise is very simple but there is no better exercise than this for increasing your body's temperature, increasing your heart rate and for burning fat and losing weight. Beginning standing upright start to jog in place, lifting your knees and swinging your arms. Make sure to keep your arms and elbows close to your body. The key to this exercise to trying to remain in one spot the entire time. You can do this exercise for about 5 to 7 minutes for great warm-up. Of course you can do it longer if you would like.

So there you have it two of my favorite exercises warm ups. You can also do these exercises on their own just longer and at moderate intensities for a fact burning exercise routine in and of themselves.

For more information on exercises to lose weight and burn fat and for exercises to get rid of back pain and sciatica go to my website at

Philadelphia Chiropractor

Michael Kenny, D.C.
7439 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136

Back pain relief is the goal of millions of people around the world. Often times it seems to be quite elusive especially when you have everyone telling you how they cured their own problem.  However, I am going to tell you the one simple exercise that works approximately 80% of the time in getting rid of your aches.  I am also going to give you 2 additional tips to speed up your healing.

Tip # 1:
First be sure to always be properly hydrated as dehydration is one of the leading causes of muscle spasms and sciatica. A good rule is to try to drink at least 1 L of water a day. I have even read literature that recommends you to drink 2 to 3 L of water a day. Water is necessary t maintain proper muscle balance and tone and will help get rid of and prevent cramps and Charlie horses.

Tip #2:
Take a daily calcium and magnesium combination multivitamin. This supplement balances the minerals and nutrients in the muscles and not only works as a natural relaxant when you have a problem but it will also help prevent spasms as well.

The main exercise:
The one exercise to relieve your back pain is as follows. Lie on you back and gently move close to a wall and place the heels of your foot on the wall. Start out by having your legs at a 45% angle going up the wall and stretch your arms over your head. You should feel your spine and muscles stretching. As you become more flexible and your pain decreases move your feet up the wall so that your legs are close to a 90% angle. Now this exercise takes some practice so please work your way into this stretch.

Call 215-332-4770 for your back pain evaluation.

We do accept almost every insurance there is.

So call right now: 215-332-4770 and ask for Mary.